Indian Army Uniforms

 uniform is a type of clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity. Modern uniforms are most often worn by armed forces and paramilitary organizations such as police, emergency services, security guards and many others. Today we will be talking about different types of uniforms in Indian army.

General Duty:

These are different for winters and summers. For winters, the officers wear a peach color shirt, black tie and an olive green blazer along with a beret or a peak cap. In summers, all ranks wear the popular Olive Greens which is also a standard uniform in all peace areas.



Blue Patrol is the dress code for ceremonial uniform during winters. The blue patrol is worn with a ‘bandgala’ coat. The shoulder pips are embroidered along with ranks on the coat except for armored corps officers who wear a chain mail along with their ranks on the shoulders. This is also preferred as the mess dress and formal dress during winters.




The code 6A/6B is the mess dress for the Indian Army. The 6 Alpha is the white mess/formal dress for winters similar to the blue patrol. It is worn with a white coat with black trousers. It is worn very rarely as officers prefer blue patrol over 6A. Dress 6 Bravo is the summer mess dress worn with a cummerbund with respective regimental colors.



These are worn during military ceremonial occasions like guard of honor, wreath laying, military funeral, etc. These include wearing ceremonials with Dress SD during winters and half sleeves during summers. The ceremonials include neck scarf, cummerbund, medals and decorations.



This is the standard field uniform of Indian Army. The disruptive pattern uniform has a forest camouflage pattern and hence, is also called “Jungle Dress”. In winters, a sweater or a jacket is worn over it. The ranks on this dress are embroidered on flaps and the usual metal ranks are not worn. While in war or exercise, only the basics, rank and name are worn on the dress and other decorations are worn during peace. The soldiers wear this on all Fridays including in peace areas.



Some Other Uniforms Are

Black For NSG: The men in black are the badasses of the Indian Army. The black dress is worn by the officers and men of the Armoured Corps, the NSG and alike. While all the above are general dress codes for regular men, you really need to prove your worth to earn these colours.



Again, for the guys who like flying and like being airborne, they have to earn the dungarees for the pilots and aircrews. Only the name tab and rank is worn on the dungarees along with the aircraft symbol they are associated with.



While black is the color for badass of the Indian Army, Smock is worn by the highly qualified badass of the Indian Army. Smocks are worn by paratroopers of the Indian Army during winters are ceremonies.


Smocks, army



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