Central Armed Police Forces | Indian Armed Forces | Indian Defence Forces | BSF | ITBP | CRPF

The Central Armed Police Forces ( CAPF ) refers to the uniform nomenclature of five security forces in India under the authority of the Ministry of Home Affairs . Their role is to defend the national interest mainly against internal threats. They are the Border Security Force ( BSF ), Central Reserve Police Force ( CRPF ), Central Industrial Security Force ( CISF ), Indo-Tibetan Border Police ( ITBP ), Sashastra Seema Bal ( SSB ). Central Armed Police Forces are organized with the primary role of border guarding for BSF , ITBP , SSB & Security of sensitive establishments by CISF , Assisting Police to tackle Law & Order, Counter-Terrorist Operations, Counter Naxal Operations by CRPF , NSG . Apart from the primary role, all CAPFs are involved in assisting Police in Law & Order situations and also Army in Counter-Terrorist Operations. BSF & CRPF have assisted the army during external aggression in the past. CAPFs work along with both Army & Poli...